Today is November 29, 2009, Sunday.
"I`m perfectly fine and I`m superlatively happy", that`s what I tell everybody, well, it is true. :D I hope everyone`s got the feeling like mine. XD So, a lot of happenings have happened to me lately. Well, everyone has. :P
November 24, 2009 was the dry run for the Cheer Dance Competition in our school for the Sportsfest 2009-2010. I`m so glad that I wasn`t feeling any nervous feeling when I danced in front. I don`t know, but it`s not weird. Maybe because, I enjoyed it and my desire and determination is with my dance moves. :D I think everyone felt that, too. `Cause everyone seemed to enjoy dancing. \:D/
November 25, 2009 is the first day of S`fest and it`s the Cheer Dance Competition day. The dance was held in the morning, first thing in the morning, after the S`fest rites and everything. We were the first one to perform because our representative, our president, picked number 1 and everyone was happy that we`re first, so I was happy with that, too. :))
Everyone positioned in their assigned positions and everyone`s saying "good luck" and "break a leg". Everyone`s shaking, shouting, relaxing, preparing to enjoy and everything to let the nervous feeling out or to refrain from feeling it. Before we start, I heard my batch mate-slash-"cheer dance mate" shout: "Give all you`ve got! Do your best! This will be the last!" And it made me stop wiggling a bit and it gave me passion to do what I`ve wanted to do, since I was in my first year in high school. The time started, the music played. Everyone`s head is already in the game. Some maybe visualizing the word "Competition" or "Champion" in their minds, but in mine? "Thank you very much, Jesus", "Do your best!", "You can do it!", "Enjoy", and stuffs like that. "Competition" is not in my vocabulary. To compete, for me, is a weakness, or something like that. I don`t know. I grew up learning that competition is super not important and it`s just a word to help you have courage. Well, that`s my POV (Point of View). I`m not boasting or focusing on pride or something like that, I`m just sharing what I`ve felt while I was in the dancefloor. XD Well, I hope everyone had the same thoughts as me. I hope, I hope. :D
So, the first day ended great! I enjoyed, everyone enjoyed, and that`s what matters the most. Well, ONE that matters the most. ;)
November 26, 2009, Wednesday, is the second day of S`fest 09-10. Dribbles, 3-point shoots, travelling, back court, foul, graduate, "mine!", service, "in", "out", "line ball". Yeahh. I bet you know what I`m talking about: Basketball and Volleyball. I think, there were also mini games held on that day like Word Factory, Chess, etc. And there was also Tug-o-War, Athletics, Speed Stacks, Jackstones, Table Tennis, Badminton and other crazy sports that you can think of! :P Take note, there was also Speed Stacks Relay and yeah, it was cool and new. B-)
Same things happened on the third day, November 27, 2009. FRIDAY, baby. :* AWARDINGS. @-) Oh, yeah! Congratulations, SENIORS! It`s your YEAR! Good luck in College! :* Thank you, big sisters! Go, Juniors, Sophies and Freshies! \:D/ Congratulations to everyone, with or without those shiny stuffs called "medals". XD
MIMI! Congratulations for winning in the Jackstone competition. ILYSM! :*
Hey, hey you! I`ve got stolen shots of you. :*
That would be all. Everything went smooth and Thank God no big injuries for the players and for everyone. ;;) It was indeed a very successful S`fest, with lots of realizations and learnings.
Toodles and good mornite! :*,