Let's help Tinkerbell find the lost treasure.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28, 2009 - It`s been a very long time~

*Sighs* Where to start, where to start? It`s been a very, very long time.

Let`s see. There have been multiple storms that went here at our country and one or I think, two of them broke a lot. As in, a lot! Meet Ondoy and Pepeng. Well, I think you know who they are already. I bet you`ve been hearing the news. Anyway. They didn`t just broke a lot of things as in "things". Material things, I mean, but also families. But, I know that a lot of people or specifically, Filipinos know what caused the storms. Not just because we weren`t able to be good stewards of God, but because we`ve sinned, a lot. We should try to change. No. Not try. We should learn, no. We should change. Yes, that`s it. We need to change for the better. We shouldn`t blame the storms because they are God`s messengers. He used the storms for us to be fully awakened. But, I think Filipinos already knew this. Why did I thought of that? Well, it`s just that we still know how to smile. We`re still thankful that we`re saved. We already know that God made the storms to spread a very important message. And that is to change.

Okay. I know I`ve been very dramatic up there, but it`s the truth, eh? :D

Moving on with the storms and what I`ve learned from them, let`s see what has happened after the storms.

One week without classes. We cleaned our homes, our neighborhood, and everything that was affected with the storms-slash-typhoons. Let`s fast forward a little, shall we?

After the cleaning stuffs, classes resumed at some schools like our school in Quezon City. We were asked about our experiences and even though there were struggles (Woah, One Time by Justin B? XD), we still heard a lot of crazy and funny stories. Everything meant perfectly fine after a week or so. Was it really perfectly fine? HAHA, just kidding. Yes, everything was great, up to now.

Second Quarter Exams are done! YAY to everyone~ Good luck with the results. Those who`ll be taking up their exams this week or next week or whenever, good luck!

The advance exam this Monday wasn`t that good. I wasn`t able to study that much. Well, whatever grade I`ll have on my AP exam, I deserve it. It`s not that I don`t want to get high grades, it`s just that I`ll accept whatever grade I have, because that`s the result of what I`ve done. So, "deserve" is not the right term. Sorry. :P But I`m still putting my hopes high for my AP exam result and for everyone`s result. I hope we all have high grades on our exams and on our cards. :D

The first day of exams: Tuesday. Everything went well. But, I wasn`t that satisfied with my answers on my English exam. Science was good, CLE was great.

The second and final day of exams: Wednesday or in other words, Today. Math was my worst nightmare, TLE was good and Filipino was just a piece of cake. Or was it? :P Anyway. Good thing cheerdance happened on the same day, today! Well, at first, I kinda felt backing out and stuffs `cause I feel nervous that I may not get the steps well and fast, but because of my parents, friends and co-cheerdancers, I was able to put my hopes high and I did well on our practice. I super enjoyed the practice for all of us were happy and everyone`s really having fun. I also loved the dance moves `cause they make me nod my head like yeah and move my hips like yeah! Yeah, still addicted with that USA song. Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus! Ahhh! I love Miley. XD So, everything`s under control and everything`s perfectly, perfectly fine. So far, so great. ;;)

Until the next blog post.

Toodles, Ceegy. o(^-^)o